
this moment is the exact definition of perfection; i don’t know anything more intense and beautiful than two people, madly wanting each other but still restraining themselves because the tension is too flawless to be broken.
take a chance



this river is wild

I admit that I'm a prisoner of your sex appeal, mr hardy

princess of china


black magic/two dollar love

was i invading in on your secrets?


I lost it all when we drifted apart

i'll be fine once i get it

halkar efter
When no one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on
And you’re always there to lend a hand
In everthing I do
That’s the Wonder, the wonder of you
real wild child
It's not the same without a gun
idag är mammas sjukdom ett helvete. så jobbigt att inte kunna göra något.
att den äter upp vår familj. så jag tog cykeln och åkte runt lite.
ska snart iväg till fridis och kolla på film med sofia och amanda.
blir så glad av mina mysisar :)